
About the Book, Dreams in Transit

Dreams in Transit is a collection of flash fiction by Irene P. Smith. It was published in 2013, as a Kindle eBook and in paperback, both available from Amazon. In September of 2016, the book was republished through Smashwords for most other eBook readers.

The title of the book is based on the fact that the majority of the stories were written on a New Jersey Transit train, somewhere between Port Jervis, New York and Hoboken, New Jersey. I have written on a variety of devices over the years including, my Kindle, my iPhone, iPad, various laptops, and when no devices were available, paper and pen or pencil.

About this Blog

This blog was created because I wanted to have a place to talk about flash fiction, about writing, and to maybe share a few stories. I also want to start a conversation with you all. I welcome guest blog posts about fiction, self-publishing, and anything else about the writer’s life. I can’t pay you for your post, but you will certainly get credit for it as well as a link back to your own site.

About Irene P. Smith

I am an author, a developer/web designer, and an all-around geek. I have spent most of my adult life playing and working with computers. Even so, I’m still ready to learn new technologies and I actively try to improve all of my skills to the point where I sometimes feel a bit fractured with it all. But, in the words of Tim Allen’s character in Galaxy Quest:

Never give up, never surrender!